- tiki
- маори тики (вырезанное из нефрита изображение мифологического предка, напоминающее эмбрион; символизирует плодородие; амулет, носится на шее; см. тж. hei-tiki)
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies. 2014.
Tiki — bezeichnet: Tiki Kultur, eine überwiegend amerikanische Trivialkultur Tiki (Mythologie), den ersten Menschen in der Mythologie der Maori Tiki (Schnitzkunst), eine große hölzerne geschnitzte Figur in verschiedenen polynesischen Kulturen Kon Tiki,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tiki Ti — bar The Tiki Ti is a Polynesian themed tiki bar on Sunset Boulevard, in the Los Feliz district of Los Angeles. It is considered by many to be the very epitome of the Tiki tavern style. Established in 1961 by Ray Buhen, the Tiki Ti s only… … Wikipedia
tiki — ● tiki nom masculin Statue représentant la déesse Tiki, divinité océanienne de la Virilité et de la Fécondité. tiki n. m. ARCHEOL Statue ou statuette de pierre du panthéon polynésien, figurant un génie. tiki [tiki] n. m. ÉTYM. 1964, in Larousse; … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tiki B&B — (Рио де Жанейро,Бразилия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Rua Criança Esperança, Ipanema, Копакаба … Каталог отелей
Tiki — large wooden image of the creator ancestor of Maoris and Polynesians, 1777, from Eastern Polynesian tiki image. Tiki torch is first recorded 1973 … Etymology dictionary
tiki — /ˈtiki / (say teekee) noun 1. (upper case) (in Polynesian mythology) the first man on earth. 2. a carved image representing an ancestor, worn as an amulet in some Polynesian cultures. –adjective 3. Originally US in the style of the tropical… …
tiki — tìki m <G ja> DEFINICIJA etnol. vrsta skulpture u Polineziji i na Novom Zelandu, velika figura boga ili pretka ETIMOLOGIJA egz. (polinez.) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Tiki — [tē′kē] n. [Polynesian: prob. < Maori] 1. Polynesian Myth. the first man, or the god who creates him 2. [t ] a representation of an ancestor, god, etc., often a small sculptured figure worn as an amulet … English World dictionary
Tiki — This article is about the large Polynesian carvings in humanoid form. For other uses, see Tiki (disambiguation). A Māori man retouches the painted tattoo on a carved wooden tiki at Whakarewarewa Model Village, New Zealand, 1905 … Wikipedia
Tiki — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tiki (homonymie). Tiki représentant le chef Taka i i. Site archéologique du Mea e Te l Ipona, près du village de Puamau, ile d Hiva Oa, îles Marquises … Wikipédia en Français
Tiki — Un hombre maorí retoca el tatoo de un tiki de madera en Whakarewarewa Model Village, Nueva Zelanda, 1905. Tiki es el nombre que se da en las culturas de Polinesia Central en el Océano Pacífico a estatuas de gran tamaño con forma humana. A menudo… … Wikipedia Español